Musings and Nonsense for December 28th, 2021

It’s been a rough month and a half on the ole household.  Arguably the worst Thanksgiving I’ve ever had (even surpassing the one where I ate Chinese with my mom and dad in a very cramped one bedroom apartment in the middle of Houston).  Not so much for the Thanksgiving itself, but for what went on directly after Thanksgiving which was 100% attributable to the occasion.

My wife, mother in-law, and father-in-law all caught some form of COVID.  I was spared because I got jabbed (due to my work requirements).  My son did catch it as well but he shook it off like nobody’s business (that kid is a freaking tank).  My wife easily had the worst of it, spending ten days at the local hospital.  She was home for Christmas, but she is still having major issues, just less of them as she continues to improve.

While my wife was fighting for her health, I was busy trying to juggle a full time job and take care of my son who is not nearly old enough to take care of himself.  Oh, and clean/wash a few things so the house wasn’t a total pigsty.  I sorta succeeded on the last one.  At least I bathed the kid on a regular basis, lol.  I can laugh about it now to some degree but it was extremely stressful.  Mostly I am worried about my wonderful wife who used to run circles around my old and middle-aged self.  That’s not the case anymore, and I feel horrible about it.  Of course, I help her (and my son with what he needs) as much as possible.

Now, I have to worry about the incoming bills despite being insured (don’t worry, the site’s not going anywhere, I need this outlet) and keep my job at the same time so I can take care of my family financially.  It drives me bonkers on most nights and rather than play a game or watch an interesting movie, I tend to stare at the tv, watch Discovery+, Peacock or maybe some wrestling but nothing that requires brain power as it were.  I don’t even find any interest in my book.  Of course, it could have to do with the fact that the book I read during this crisis was the biggest piece of woke garbage I had read in quite sometime, but I digress.

I still struggle with the fact that outside of a few scattered reviews, I don’t really write creatively anymore.  I can’t really call this “creative”, since all I’m doing is passing along the events as they happened.  It’s writing, but nothing more than an exercise to make me feel better and gets words onto a page.  It really is a form of therapy for me even if no one ever quite responds.

That’s really it for right now.  I do have another article to write for this site involving the game Time Pilot which deals more with backwards compatibility and really isn’t part of “THIS”.  I’m not going to end this article with any sort of sappy thing like “Go Get a Shot”, because up until several months ago I was against it and still believe in free will of the individual.  I have zero ill feelings towards my wife and only wish for her to get better.  I need my wife for her warmth, love, and also selfishly for my sanity (which is a fragile thing).  We’ll try to keep it upbeat for the New Year and know that 2022 will be a much better year.  Enjoy.

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