Gamescom Announcements: More BC Than you can Shake a Stick At

Some good announcements from Gamescom today, check out the following:

Kotaku – It looks like all these Xbox 360 games will soon run on the One

True Achievements – Backwards Compatibility in November, Future 360 Games with Gold to be Backwards Compatible

Now, if you click on More, well I’ll try to summarize what all this means. 

Let’s take the article from Kotaku first.  Basically, more titles were announced for Backwards Compatibility via the old let’s show a bunch of box art pictures and then let people do the work themselves.  They are according to Kotaku (rearranged in alphabetical and removed/clarified unknowns):

A Kingdom of Keflings
A World of Keflings
Alan Wake
Alien Hominid
Assassin’s Creed Revelations? (Another)
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Assassin’s Creed II
Banjo Tooie
Battleblock Theater
BioShock Infinite
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway
Child of Eden
Civilization Revolution
Dark Souls
Dead Space
Dead Space II?
Defense Grid
Disney Universe
Driver San Francisco
Dynasty Warriors
Fable 2
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 3
Ghost Recon Future Soldier
Risen 2
Tom Clancy’s Endwar

Some interesting choices.   We already knew about the Keflings games, Alien Hominid, Battleblock Theater, Defense Grid, as well as Banjo Tooie.  And Fallout 3 was pretty much a gimme from earlier conversation surrounding Fallout 4.  There are however a few surprises on this list including Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway, Cars, Child of Eden, Driver San Francisco, and the Risens.  And I made an assumption on the missing Assassin’s Creed title, it only makes sense that they are going for the AC2 trilogy of games in II, Brotherhood and Revelations.

But I had mentioned Driver San Francisco last week and how it showed up in the Top 15.  I thought it was an abnormality, my guess is that people saw the leaked information a little early.  I am however, very happy that Fable 2 and two of the Bioshocks are in that list.  Interestingly, Borderlands is in that list which I predicted but the two Borderland sequels, are not.  Handsome collection indeed.

Anyway, I’m going to update some of my percentages where needed but not add these titles just yet until we get an official announcement.  Yes, these are as good as gold (which is a nice segway into the next topic), but its like Shadowrun, we only have a picture.  We need an official list, and I’m looking at you Microsoft to make that happen.

The next topic deals with Games with Gold.  The announcement is that all future 360 Games with Gold games are going to be Backwards compatible (my guess is starting in September).  That means essentially that Xbox One owners will get 4 games every month which is quite nice, really.

Hopefully this would also extend to past 360 Games with Gold including the Metros that we get this month.  In addition, one can even hope that past Games with Gold offerings like Thief, Raven, Plants vs Zombies, and anything else found Here would be made backwards compatible.  Man, just looking at that list, it would be a nice feather in Microsoft’s cap to have all those in BC.  Again, much speculation at this point, and I’ll just update percentages.  More to come, obviously.

One final tidbit, I did see another report that put Worms 2 on the BC list as well and that it was already showing up in the Preview program.  That would be very unexpected, and we can only hope the reports are true.  So, the idea is that everything I said here will eventually be added to an official list put out by Microsoft.  Hopefully though a full list will be made available much sooner than November, the planned launch date.  We shall see, we shall see.

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