Welp, this is a little bit better than expected. I happen to own both Darksiders 1 and 2 and have them on my sale pile. Well, they were on my sale pile :). Of course, the most interesting thing here is that all three of these have remastered ports on the Xbox One. Basically the old theory of well if it gets a Xbox One remaster, it won’t be released to BC. That’s pretty much shot to hell now. At least in the sense of if you wait long enough, it will come. Anyway, enjoy.
- Darksiders $19.99 (disc is cheaper and will be Games with Gold in a little over a week)
- Darksiders 2 $19.99 (disc is cheaper here too)
- Assassins Creed: Revelations $19.99 (disc cheaper and Games with Gold in about 3 weeks)
- DLC w/ Achievements: Ancestor’s Character Pack $3.99
- DLC w/Achievements: Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack $9.99
- DLC w/Achievements: The Lost Archive $9.99