Coming Soon to Blogpost Recordings

Yes, in celebration of my first private voice acting class that I had this past Friday with Jim Conlan, I will be going back (as part of practice) and recording my previous blogs as time allows. The main thing that came out of the class was while I had a very strong voice (no surprise), but I do have a very untrained voice which needs practice (and lots of it). So my microphone should be in on Tuesday (An AudioTechnica 2020 Plus / USB), and we will start with the newer blogs and work backwards. Maybe we will even get to some of my older & newer creative stuff. We shall see :).

July 17th Update: I hate saying it, but this is on hold.  I’m focusing more on writing right now and of course my fantastic family.  This is still my goal, just don’t expect it next week.  Thank you 🙂

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