Category: Thoughts
April 1st, 2013
Wow, so I finished writing over a hundred pages and plan to do blogs for the next seven days. April…errr…Fools. Yeah, not even remotely funny I know. However, I have done a lot in the last roughly three weeks and actually have some things to talk about. The good thing is I have been doing a great deal of reading and thinking and I’m certain that things need to start taking a turn for the better. We should get going before all of this positivity runs right down my leg. Ready kids? Oh here is a tease, I have Wrestlemania XXIX predictions. Continue reading “April 1st, 2013” →
March 11th, 2013
Two weeks between the last blog and this one, I have to pick up the pace. The problem is (if you can actually believe it) is that work has gotten worse. It is piling up and this morning is the first time I have had some chance to sit and think since well, the last blog. We will hit a few topics here and there, I really would like to get back to this blog once a week or even a couple with a little less content. I don’t always have to fill the cup, but at least I should put something in it once a while (I have no idea what I’m trying to say). Continue reading “March 11th, 2013” →
February 26th, 2013
Never fear, I’m here. Okay, its been two weeks since one of my little blogs and work has been a constant undoing to me getting anything constructive done in the writing world. Every time I sit down to do a little bit of writing, it seems there is something that needs tending to. I am not saying I do not have a little bit of free time here and there, but it seems like I’m more able to get some rest or zone out with a video game than put keystrokes to words and paragraphs. But let us get to the get good stuff, shall we? Continue reading “February 26th, 2013” →
February 12th, 2013
Yes, there was a little lapse between this one and my last blog. I had a very bad weekend, and it spiraled up until Tuesday. I am already looking forward to this weekend. I have a few updates from the past blog and yes I am still working on the Hitman review. Ever since I have been off my reviewing gig, I find myself losing deadlines when it comes to writing. I think it has something to do with the fact that I had deadlines for 8 years (and always met them) and the last two months, I try to give myself deadlines with various writing tasks and mostly miss them. Somewhere, I will find a happy balance. Alright enough of that, let’s go. Continue reading “February 12th, 2013” →
February 3rd, 2013
Another rough week at work, up to my eyeballs in purchase orders and little end in sight. Honestly, it has been like this since December/January. Then when I get a little bit of rest, its up to work all again. It’s frustrating, because I can’t relax long enough to feel comfortable at a place I am going to write. At least I can say I had a good weekend even if its never long enough. All right, enough of my troubles, let us proceed directly to some happenings in my world that are actually interesting. Continue reading “February 3rd, 2013” →
January 25th, 2013
So, remember how last week I said that I would try to take back my work lunch? Yeah, that did not last. Somewhere between getting slammed and never coming up for air, I realized that during the week for the immediate future is just not going to work unless I basically come home and forget relaxing (though writing may actually relax me). But basically, my mind goes off when the clock hits 4:30 and doesn’t turn back on (except sporadically) until 5:00am the next morning. Continue reading “January 25th, 2013” →
January 20th, 2013
Still trying to get this sucker off the ground and have spent a lot of time thinking about my writing and wondering what exactly to do about it. As I contemplate my next move, I spend time with the wifey and also a side effect (at least when she sleeps in) is that I end up playing a lot of video games, or rather a couple with a lot of time put in. Currently, I have spent an inordinate amount of time playing this one free-to-play game. Some people will recognize it immediately and thine name is Happy Wars. Who would have thunk that such a happy game is actually frustrating at least half the time. Continue reading “January 20th, 2013” →
January 13th, 2013
This is really one of those weekends where I wonder where the heck it went. Then I kinda think of all I did yesterday and I realize well maybe it did not go that fast after all. Yesterday was moving my 6-7 year old plasma from the living room to the bedroom and putting in a main new television. Sadly, the hardest part of the journey had absolutely nothing to do with my new acquisition. It had to do with ole betsy as readers would expect. The good news is that everything worked, even if it had many unexpected surprises along the way. Continue reading “January 13th, 2013” →
January 9th, 2013
To show you how tired work makes me, I think my first blog took about 2-3 days once I put my mind to it. Heck I don’t even think I can come up with a good teaser outside of the fact that at least at home I feel more relaxed lately. I can not say the same for work but we will tackle one thing at a time. Here we go, it is weird, in a way I feel like I am writing a Dare to Play the Game column (but less focused). Okay, let’s try this…old school. *cracks knuckles*
Hitman Trilogy, NBA2K13 Achievement Nonsense, and will Kedrix (yours truly) actually write 100 pages this year? Welcome to the blog that smells something funny, and it stinks like recycled column taglines known as errr…. Oh screw it.
Continue reading “January 9th, 2013” →