Sorry about taking forever today to post this. Between a power outage and being out of sorts for a good chunk of the day, I finally had a few minutes to get this out to you. I am through the second episode of Walking Dead Season 2 and into the third. I still would like to finish all the them before Thanksgiving but it’s not going to come easy. I also started briefly Outer Worlds because I was so curious after everything I have read. Only played it for about half an hour but certainly has that Fallout vibe for sure. I’m not sure if I am going to dump 100 hours into it like Monster Hunter but we’ll see.
Here are the sales for this week. As you can see, it’s just a bunch of Sonic games. I do wish Resonance of Fate was backwards compatible, my disc would get more use that’s for sure. Anyway, probably about that time for me to get back to WD Season 2 or Outer Worlds. Take care and have a good week. Enjoy.