BC Deals for the Week of April 4th, 2017

Welp, for the past week when I can steal a few minutes away I am playing Burnout Paradise.  It’s much easier to get into versus Revenge but I deeply miss the crash mode.  And Showtime is such a poor replacement it isn’t even funny.  I almost got the Showtime 10X achievement as well, missed it by one darn bus.  But literally all you do is flip on cars and hope you crash into them before you run out of juice.  Crash, there was strategy…which car do I use, what point do I hit which car, don’t forget CrashBreaker and chain of events after that.  That’s my main gripe with Paradise, everything else is pretty well done.  I will be happy when and if Revenge goes BC as well.

Anyway, we got a bunch of 360 sales this week, but sadly two actual BC games. I will say though there are many tempting sales this week if you don’t already have them.  ArcaniA, Black Knight Sword, Destroy All Humans, Giana Sisters, etc.  Heck, if you are a Civilization guy that’s a good price on Civilization.  I swear, we are going to get a Worms BC announcement any day now.  For me…I’ll probably pick up ArcaniA (even with the unobtainable and glitched achievements); I’ll have to look into some of the others and see if they are my speed.  Much to enjoy this week, let’s hope some of it becomes BC by the week’s end.  Take care.

12:00PM Edit: Because Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution was made BC, we now have this following sale as well:

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