BC Deals for the Week of April 11th, 2017 (& Spring Sale too!)

This past week, I’ve been playing strictly Burnout Paradise.  I’m up to a B license and knocking out achievements when I can.  It’s a slow climb, but I’m enjoying the game.  However, yesterday I went out and bought Diablo III for Xbox One ($19.99 at Gamestop).  Now if you are following this regularly, you are saying to yourself…wait you played Diablo III for Xbox 360 to death.  Are you crazy?  Well kinda, I suppose…but it was so darn enticing.  I installed it last night and the characters imported right over.  All 6 of my level 70’s staring at me, even Sexy Rexxie…my metro looking Barbarian.  I guess I also did it because I know DLC is coming..in the form of the Necromancer class.  Even if the DLC is $10, it’s completely worth it.  I apologize to my wonderful wife in advance, at least its not Gems of War.

Anyway, enough about that…we have a sale kids!  There is a ton to be happy about here.  It’s just a matter of what you are looking for.  We have Xbox One, we have 360, we have Backwards compatible (what we care about), we have DLC, it’s a lot.  From the Xbox One side, I might go with the Artifrex Mundi Essential Bundle, I’ve been wanting to try those.  And $10 for 3 games…well that’s pretty worthwhile.  I also am thinking about Necropolis, it’s from a develop I respect very much, Harebrained Schemes.  But it’s described as a rogue like Dark Souls.  Rogue like?  Awesome!  Dark Souls?  Not so much.  I dread those words.  There are a lot of great Lego sales too which would be fine if I didn’t have Lego Hobbit, Pirates of Caribbean, or Lego Batman 3 to play.  So I’ll pass on that.  On the 360 side, the Borderlands 2 season pass is darn tempting (since most of us have it digitally now thanks to GWG) and Blue Dragon at $7.99 is quite worth leaving my 360 disc copy alone and not have to deal with multiple discs.  So hit the -More- for all of the sales, and take some time to figure out what you are going to get.  Enjoy.

10:00am Edit: I will note that the Borderlands 2 Season Pass does not include the Mechromancer or Psycho playable classes…those are still $9.99 each.  LIKE THAT MAKES SENSE.  I guess I will stick with the Handsome collection on X1 for those two classes.  Anyway, just FYI. 

12:00pm Edit: Call of Duty Black Ops 2 added to Backwards Compatibility.  It’s a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 special, but with the pricing ($19.99 and $29.99) feels a bit hollow. 

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