9/4 Update on Backwards Compatibility Voting

Welcome to the 7th iteration of Backwards Compatibility Voting. Much like last week, voting was slow despite some interesting news involving the likes of Deadpool and Borderlands.  It just goes to show you that if we really expect a decent # of votes, we are going to have to get some decent news.  But we got some numbers and some analysis, lets get to the show.

If you would like a copy of the file that these votes are stored in, please click here: Backwards-votes

Top 15

Name Difference Weekly %
Deadpool 198 4.70%
Lucha Libre AAA 5 2.98%
Overlord 29 2.08%
NCAA Football 14 174 1.96%
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage 22 1.93%
Leisure Suit Larry 8 1.93%
Outrun Online Arcade 11 1.90%
Overlord 2 25 1.89%
All Pro Football 2k8 10 1.80%
Gun 21 1.74%
Capcom Arcade Cabinet 13 1.73%
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper 5 1.71%
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga 12 1.64%
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls 48 1.62%
Crysis 3 157 1.60%

Bottom 5

Killer is Dead 9 0.69%
Alan Wake 167 0.67%
Scott Pilgrim vs the World 26 0.63%
Clive Barker’s Jericho 4 0.59%
Condemned 2 14 0.56%

So Deadpool is still first in our countdown to no surprise.  However, as reported here this week, somebody at Activision has been taking notice because it was announced that Deadpool would arrive on the Xbox One & Playstation 4 in November as a re-release with HD graphics, all DLC, 2 new levels, costumes, etc.  This would all be one giant bucket of awesome if they were not going to charge $50.  You heard me right…Fifty dollars.  Furthermore, this means Backwards compatibility is most likely not going to happen.  Now, if logic prevails, I’d say come Summer of 2016 (after the movie dies down), you will see that XB1/PS4 copy for $20 and under, but still, it’s just frustrating.

This also brings up a second point which I keep making, Gun is again in the top 10.  Another Activision game.  Screw it…Activision, just go ahead and re-release this one too.  You know you want to..I’m sure you can squeeze a few thousand dollars by releasing a sloppy port and calling it a day.  Okay, perhaps I need to calm down.

Moving on, we see a list of interesting titles in the mix.  Lucha Libre pokes its head in by grabbing #2 and we even see Streets of Rage grab a spot among the usuals like Outrun, NCAA Football 14, and the Overlords.  It was nice to see Divinity grab a spot too.

At the end of the Top 15 list, we were presented with a couple of titles that I think require some discussion.  Diablo III makes the list (which it has done intermittingly) probably because of the patch that dropped on the Xb1/PS4/PC.  I’m still playing the 360 version myself as I make my way to 100% completion.  I’m currently working on my 4th level 70 character, a level 67 monk.  After that, the only things remaining will be 2 more level 70’s (Wizard/Witch Doctor) and 500 bounties (I’m less than 150 away).

Then comes Crysis 3.  For those who do not know, Crysis 3 will be FREE for those Gold members come the middle of this month.  This announcement certainly gave it a bump, and really every title in the series should be made BC eventually. I happen to own all 3 digitally, so I’m really hoping that this is made true.  I probably will hop on with my copy if nothing more to give multiplayer a shot.  There are certain to be a ton of people and with 20+ multiplayer achievements, I think a lot of us will be going for the same thing.

Moving on to the bottom five, more Killer is Dead, more Alan Wake.  Well I think this is the first time Alan Wake has officially made it, but it’s been in the lower bubble almost every week.  I am disappointed in Condemned 2 (Condemned almost made it as well), as this is one game that does not deserve to be so low.  Scott Pilgrim vs the World is a fine game but a license knocks it out of any running for BC.  Maybe people are just finally realizing that.

Welp, next week I think we are due for another monthly analysis and see which titles rise to the top 20.  I’ll have to check my dates.  But hopefully we get some more news about titles coming to the BC.  One final nugget before I go, I did hear in the newest Microsoft BC video that Witcher 2 was shown which is certainly a good thing.  Just keep it coming guys, the more the better.  Oh, and Activision, please stop with the re-releases (unless you are going to re-release Gun), seriously.

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