December 25th, 2013

If the pattern you are sensing is that it is longer between my blog posts, then you are absolutely, unequivocally…right.  Even though once I get going, I can go for pages and pages, sometimes the actual going part takes some doing.  But those who are awesome enough to read my ramblings aren’t looking for excuses now are ya?  They are looking for material to captivate their Christmas morning, something to tide over that hot chocolate before that feast comes with either enough turkey or enough ham to feed your family and possibly your neighbor’s too.  Then step inside, and we will see what rises to the surface.

Merry Christmas, Friends and Future


Yes, I am saying Merry Christmas for those playing at home.  For the last few years, I have not celebrated much of a Christmas.  My ex-wife did not like Christmas because unfortunately there were too many bad memories attached to it (for which I completely understand).  When we signed our papers in October, I could have certainly carried on the same tradition of trying to forget it exists.  But growing up in a household where my parents treated Christmas as a very special day, the feelings started to come back to me.  I didn’t put up a tree or anything but I happily shopped for others (something that I hated doing in several years past) and tried to find the perfect gift where I could.  I sent out Christmas cards to family and friends that had really helped me in the past year.  Yes, I wrote personalized messages inside those cards (and I meant every word).

But most of all, I smiled upon the holiday and knew that even though I was spending it physically alone, I was surrounded by awesome friends and maybe my parents who are not so bad (though we are always going to have our moments) in my heart. *there is that happiness moment kids*  This year, I realized who my true friends were, some honestly surprised me, and some became closer than ever before.  I admit I am not the easiest person to be friends with in the world.  *gasp, I know*  But I am fiercely loyal, kind hearted and will always stand up for my true friends, no matter the cost.  The truth is, without those special few friends, yours truly would not be here.  Now, with the future in sight I hope to accomplish many things with those friends and for myself.

I do not know what lies in the future for myself.  This past year I have seen a heart breaking divorce, getting my health back on track (down 35 pounds with about 15-20 to go), friendships lost, friendships gained and strengthened, and overall a change in attitude.  I have had bad moments, I have had good moments, but I know I am coming back, perhaps in the best time of my life.  My teenage years were years of confusion, my twenties were years of absolute stupidity, but my life’s travels have led me to a place where I can enjoy today and the years beyond.

So, in case I do not get a chance to write another blog about resolutions, I will go ahead and print them for your perusal.  1)Get down to 195 pounds.  This should be an easy one since I have already lost 35 pounds and for the most part, I am eating right.  (Ignore those pumpkin waffles I am eating this morning)  2)Do something with my job.  Of course I am not going to elaborate on the reasons, but I need to make advances in terms of growth, whatever that entails.  3)Make repairs on this home, and possibly get it up on the market at some point this year.  Where am I going?  I am not sure yet, but I have a few ideas.  (I’m staying in Houston metro, don’t worry)  4)Get Lasik or contacts, provided I pass every test I need to in that arena.  If I can shave off all my facial hair and keep my head hair trimmed, I can certainly show off my eyes which most people have told me is my best physical feature.  5)Go on actual dates this year, now it might be just one person (*stares a hole through somebody who shall remain nameless*), but I would like for that to happen.  And 6)Write.

Yeah, I said that before in 2013, oh I remember.  *Finish 100 pages by the end of the year*.  Of course, I ended up trying to save a marriage that was not meant to be saved.  But that’s hardly an excuse.  I have written roughly 35 pages to date on “Driving to St. Louis” and another 8-10 on my Shadowrun novel which has been shelved at this point.  That’s not even 50.  It’s progress and even though I’ll finish Chapter 5 of “St. Louis” today, that’s not enough.  So for this year, I need to continue to write.  I am not going to set a page count, but I need to keep writing.  If I leave any legacy behind (even though I would still like to be married again someday and have a child I can call my own), it might be best that it is a published novel or work that people can enjoy long after I am gone.  I still have a burning fire to get published in any shape or form, its just a matter of getting there by pushing myself like never before.

Special thanks (in random order) to a pile of great friends who include: Todd F., Lori, Mr. Jones, Rose, Na, Karen, Celeste and Will.  Each one of you has helped me in ways I can probably never quite accurately express (even though I try), but I thank you for sticking by me.  I appreciate you. Hope 2014 is your best year ever and if there is ANYTHING I can do for any of you, I will make every effort to do so.  *hug to all of you…yes even the guys and especially anybody with a space issue* 🙂  I’m a dork, accept it.


Odd and Interesting Bits


Rather than do some quick hits or a whole another section, I decided to throw down ten things I found odd or interesting that I am thinking about.  Fun, random stuff about my life, popular culture, and anything else in my head.  (Yes, its scary, but kinda sweet & gooey inside, euwwwwwww).

1)Where is my Deadpool movie?  A script is flying around, but no movie studio seems to want to bite.  Ryan Reynolds is still going to be Deadpool (which is the right way to go), and I do believe it will exist eventually but you are killing me guys, MAKE IT!  Second Voice: Yeah Make it! Make It with Candy Coated Sprinkles! Third Voice: But Movies cost money and there has to be an audience. First/Second Voice: SHUT UP!  Somebody will get that joke.

2)Did Game of Thrones really have to decapitate a freaking horse in Episode 5 of the first season?  Now, yes I’ve read the first book and yes that did get written, but I don’t need to see it that graphically.  I am making my way through the first season blu-ray this week (I also have the second season here too), and I know its HBO, but come on.  We can stop at certain points and still get the message across.  At least the story is excellent.

3)The Eagles have a chance this Sunday to win the division and make the playoffs.  DON’T BLOW IT.  The Seahawks might be the team to beat in the NFC but the Eagles could make for a very interesting playoffs.

4)At some point, I will pick back up Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (over 100+ hours played) again in 2014, and maybe finish it off this time.  Okay, the first part is happening, I’m about ninety percent sure, the second I just need to forget about right here and now.  Such foolishness, nobody ever really finishes Skyrim or any other Elder Scrolls game (I’m looking at you Oblivion and Morrowind).

5)I need to find a Karaoke place at some point.  It has been far too long and Rock Band and singing in the car only does so much for me.

6)I want to do Improv again (yes actually do it) or at the very least go to a few performances somewhere this year too.  I am not going to put this down as an actual resolution because I have no idea how to go about it…but its a great deal of fun once you get into it.  And I can be one funny bastard once I feel comfortable.

7)I have not watched wrestling in over a month now.  It’s partly that I was watching the Voice, and its partly because the current product does not interest me all that much.  I still love the sport, don’t get me wrong but between WWE’s “Meh” storylines and TNA swirling around the drain, it is just not there for me right now.  I will still go to indy events (especially when I can get people to come with me), but that’s about it.  I have even thought about selling some of my wrestling discs (keeping the Wrestlemanias and a few other ones though).  Weird, I know.

8)I have now had this website for close to a year.  I am thinking I should do a few reviews on my own or something.  I no longer write for (well in spots I will, sure and if Gino asks me, but I am not even sure I can consider myself part-time anymore), and always have new and interesting things to review for others enjoyment.  Feel free to give ideas.

9)I really need to get some more frames for my Vinyl collection to put up in my gameroom.  I already have the records, but the frames are 6 for $25 and to be honest, I probably can do another 12-18 with no problem at all.  We will put that down as a first quarter 2014 idea :).

10)I have been giving away a lot of my extra dvds and comics lately.  I have tried doing the dvds through Facebook but that didn’t work too well.  And I am willing to give away most of my comic collection (not the graphic novels, those STAY :)), provided they go to a good home and not somebody who wants to make a buck or two.  The DVDs I will ship to people, but the Comics does need to be local to Houston, Tx. Way too much to ship.  But yeah, ask for a list if you are interested.

Welp, that’s it for this blog.  Hopefully it won’t be another month before the next one, but we shall see.  I will keep writing and feel free to comment away.  I always appreciate it.  Take care.


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