XCom: Enemy Unknown, Duck Tales: Remastered, Hexic 2, Magic 2012, Domino Master and Unbound Saga added to Backwards Compatibility!!!

Hot off the heels of the Games with Gold announcement comes a smattering of six games added to backwards compatibility.  Tweets can be here and here.  X-Com comes home earlier than the 16th which is nice news for those like me who already own it.  I actually own Duck Tales: Remastered and probably one of the few who have it on disc rather than digital. Hexic 2, I don’t want to play Hexic again, but I know a lot of people will be happy with the choice, same with Magic 2012.  I actually looked up the Domino game after it was announced, it’s only $5 but has some really hard achievements.  Reviews aren’t very positive either.  Finally there is Unbound Saga which is a poor man’s Final Fight/Double Dragon fighting game.  All I need to know is that X-Com and Duck Tales are BC.  My only question after this post is when do we get XCOM: Enemy Within to go BC.  Make it happen, enjoy kids!

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