Xbox 360 BC – Gold Sales for the week of November 24th, 2015

Microsoft decided to post their deals for Black Friday a little early for Gold members, today in fact.  These deals don’t go live until the 24th for non-gold members, but I figured I would go ahead and get a jump and list these deals out for the Gold folks such as myself.

Edit: Updated with the sales from November 24th, and not just early Black Friday.

Black Friday’s Full Deal List of Xbox 360 Games (Xbox One games also available)

This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale

Full Game Releases with Backwards Compatibility

Assassin’s Creed 2 – $4.99

Battleblock Theater – $4.94

Beyond Good and Evil HD – $2.49

Borderlands – $4.99

Castle Crashers – $4.94

Gears of War – $4.94

Mass Effect – $3.99

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes – $3.74

Mirror’s Edge – $4.94

Prince of Persia – $4.99

Secret of Monkey Island: SE – $2.49

Super Meat Boy – $4.94

DLC with Achievements for Games with Backwards Compatibility

Mirror’s Edge Pure Time Trails – $4.99


Edit – 11/24 Deals with Gold – No extra BC specific sales this week except Mirror’s Edge (and the matching DLC) which I’ve added.  There are a few titles that will make BC including Burnout Paradise, Crysis, Kingdoms of Amalur (which is a ridiculously low $2.99), and Skate 3 but you can’t currently play them on your Xbox One. 

Well, I thought that when Microsoft was going to announce a great Black Friday sale that they would at least bring the big guns.  I mean after all, they announced over one hundred backwards compatible titles to the Xbox One and it was completely feasible that they would have a giant sale with at least 20-25 of those titles.  Instead, we get 11?  Personally, there is not one on the list that I don’t have already that I would want.  I already own AC2, Borderlands, and Mass Effect on disc, and BG&E HD, Might & Magic, and Monkey Island I own digitally.

In fact, if you look at this whole sale, I’m probably only interested in two things, the Batman Origins Season Pass (XB360) at $5.00 and Tales of the Borderlands Season Pass (Xbox One) at $10.00.  Batman Origins at this point is probably not getting a complete or game of the year type edition so at $5 for the season pass, it’s worth it to go along with my $10 game I got from Toys R Us and $8 hardcover guide from Half Price Books.  The latter really is not that enticing since I want to hold out for a physical release or even greater sale ($7.50 range).

Note, there are some games on the sale list which are confirmed or at least heavily rumored at this point to be backwards compatible.  They do include, all three Bioshocks (but not the DLC…*sigh*), Fallout New Vegas, Halo 4, Orange Box, Batman Arkham Aslyum & City, and others.  I still don’t know why they don’t reduce L.A. Noire to $5.  It’s been $7.49 for every sale as long as I can remember.  That’s a game where I own the physical copy (and the digital season pass), and I’ve been playing with the idea of going digital and dumping the physical copy for the same price.  At $5, it would be easy….$7.49 is still in that liability range.  Especially since I took a bath on the season pass and bought it when it was in the $10 range (now it is going this week for all of $3).

Anyway, here is hoping we get a few more sales in the next few days.  That’s it for me, have a nice weekend.

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