I believe we are back to normal type sales weeks. Honestly, yes I picked up Burnout Paradise and Lego Batman 3 Deluxe, but the deals were mostly underwhelming. This week’s deals can be found here. (Had to link XboxAchievements.com since the Major appears to be a bit slow to awaken this morning) This week it seems like we are getting one BC game and its DLC to enjoy. I read a couple of reviews and they seem to reference Scott Pilgrim and River City Ransom which makes this a strong consideration. I’m still not a fan of the way Scott Pilgrim went out, with high priced DLC and then delisting it without a word. (Great game too) Here is Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds. Also, Dirt Showdown is free for BC until the 15th. (Then its Deus Ex after that)