Welp, two announcements this week, color me a little surprised since E3 is next week and I figured any announcements be saved for then. X-Com: Enemy Within made perfect sense after Unknown came out a few weeks ago, but I knew a long time ago not to rely on things making sense and Microsoft in the same sentence :). I kid, I kid. Now, if we can just get the X-Com Bureau game (yes I am serious), we can have all three XCom games on BC.
Foul Play, Monopoly Plus and Sega Bass Fishing are all what I call “interesting” additions. Foul Play was recently put back on available Xbox list about a month ago after being delisted for a while. It only makes sense that they would go ahead and make it BC. At $10, it will require some thought. Monopoly Plus was a decent and quick Monopoly game that is normally a $10 game but was a $5 sale game to those who picked it up in mid-March of this year. Sega Bass Fishing is actually a Dreamcast port, a $5 game (received a price reduction in 2013) and good fishing fun….even though I’m not sure what that term actually means if it isn’t already grilled and on a plate in front of me.
X-Com: Enemy Within is BC, I am very happy! 🙂