Kurt Russell Review Page and Future Reviews

A quick one here.  I have added a Kurt Russell (my favorite actor) review page which contains copies of every single one I’ve written whether it was here or on Upcomingdiscs.com.  Obviously, a lot of these are old reviews and thoughts about his movies which probably need to be updated.  Especially the part where there are two reviews for Escape from LA, one for the 4K and one for the blu-ray.  In reality, I should only keep the one for the blu-ray because the 4k one only contains pieces of my previous review mixed in with comments that I didn’t write.  However, I wanted to go ahead and just export it all, make a page and then clean it up a little later.  There are gaps here I would certainly like to address and I want to add to this obviously over time.  What I don’t want to do though is watch a bunch of Kurt Russell movies in a row and then don’t touch anything for a couple of years.  That’s not really conducive.  Any ideas, feel free to leave comments on this post.  Enjoy.

3/6 Edit – After cleaning it up and playing with it, I think I have it like I want.  I don’t like the thumbnails as small as they are but then I have to consider mobile.  Of course, keep in mind there are two ways to access Kurt Russell reviews, one by the side bar on the right (that will give you the page format) and then the table format is the menu on top.  Table format is sortable by title, film score and publish date (default).  Any ideas to improve are most welcome.

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