Upcoming Review for March 2024 and Explanation of Absence

Hi folks, I’m sure some of you wondered if the site had died or perhaps something happened to me.  I am glad to say that neither of those things happened.  Well, I say that with baited breath since the month of February and up until today I pretty much was going through some major depression issues that led to some tough times.  Tough times where I did not care one way or another what happened to me and distanced myself from my family that I such deeply love.  As you can see, I did not write for a solid month, nothing about movies, nothing about music, nothing about my celebration of both Miley Cyrus and Kylie Minogue winning Grammys.  Was that freaking great or what?  I called the Miley Cyrus one, you can go back and look if you don’t believe me.

Anyway, I’m not proud of myself.  In fact I am still very upset with myself, but I’m plunging forward into a review for Unlawful Entry, the 1992 thriller with Kurt Russell, Ray Liotta and Madeleine Stowe.  It received a Shout blu-ray release recently and I should have written a review in the month of February, that’s completely on me.  That review will come out tomorrow, I only need to listen/watch the Jonathan Kaplan audio commentary tonight.

From there, I’m already taking a look at the various titles I have bought in the last ninety days and see if any of those are worth doing.  Things like Fargo in 4k, the recent Conan Chronicles Arrow 4k set, or perhaps one of the Shout Jackie Chan sets and do it in the style of the Police Story reviews I did last year.  Actually the later is sounding more promising as plenty of people have already given their thoughts on those two 4k sets.  I also like doing the collection sets where I break down each film in depth.  But the process to review the entire line of Police Story movies did take me a month to do.  So it’s certainly a project but I still fondly look back what I did with those Police Stories and how much fun it was to review.

Maybe I should do the Infernal Affairs since there was three in that series and it has that ultra nice Criterion trilogy release which I bought over a year ago?  Oh wait, do I bring up The Departed?  Well, The Departed actually gets a 4k release in late April so maybe it would make more sense to do that in a month or two?  I should also get that sucker on pre-order probably.

However, all this talk is promising since I am getting excited about a potential projects because it means I am getting out of my funk.  My amazing wife does find it odd that I cure my depression by writing but then she also wonders why I stop doing that at times.  I think we all get in ruts and my paying job has been slow lately and both my fence as well as my garage door need some maintenance work.  All that has contributed to a difficult time for me.  But we have to change that, we have to move forward.  Stay tuned, it will get better.  Thank you for reading and enjoy.

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