Backwards compatibility, Tom Clancy style. With Conviction getting the nod nearly six months ago, it was about time for these two to be added as well. The first thing you will probably notice is Blacklist is physical only. The digital got removed a while back but you can still obtain the disc for under $10. Double Agent is still widely available, digital is $20 but physically is a lot cheaper, going for $5 in some cases (if you don’t care about condition). So have a date with Sam Fisher and death the rest of the day, or don’t. Enjoy 🙂
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist (available on disc only)
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent $19.99 (cheaper on disc)
- Free DLC: 360 Downloadable Content (Looks like a couple of multiplayer maps/challenges and a new character w/3 outfits).