Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I and II, Capcom Arcade Cabinet, Pacman Museum, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Crystal Defenders, and Fret Nice added to Backwards Compatibility!!

Wow, another round of eight.  How wonderful. True, they are all arcade releases, but it’s 8 games people.  Not to mention two of them are compilations (Capcom Arcade Cabinet and PacMan Museum), so that’s actually more than eight games technically.  Anyway, this is a nice list.  Let’s go through them (after the more tag):

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 – $9.99 price tag, has had sales and the achievements aren’t too bad.  But it ropes you into the second episode.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 – $14.99 price tag, also has had sales and the achievements are about the same difficulty.  But the fact they did a 2-episode game (and I don’t believe there is a bundle) is just disheartening.  Sonic enthusiasts only.

Capcom Arcade CabinetLet me explain the pricing on this one.  It’s a bit confusing.  The whole thing, the base game and all of the DLC is $24.99.  (I got it for $20 personally).  If you like a la carte, the base game is $4.99 and each of the packs are $9.99 a piece (4 total).  You can also purchase single games for $3.99 a piece which is a horrible thing to do to yourself.  Wait for a sale (it’s happened before) on the whole bundle, get all 15 games plus 2 bonus games (1943 Kai and Vulgus) and save yourself heartache.  It’s a lot of fun, but its difficult.

PacMan Museum – This one is only sold as a bundle for $19.99 (has had sales before).  As with most compilations, the achievements are quite difficult and will take some time to obtain.

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 – $14.99 game, no the first one is not backwards compatible currently.  However, it is part of the Capcom Digital Collection on disc which is quickly becoming a must have at this point (3 games so far are BC).  Achievements are a little difficult but I would expect it in Bionic Commando.

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum$9.99 game but was on sale last week for $5 (shame on those who wanted it.  I told you guys that all of the SNK titles would be eventually BC).  Achievements aren’t bad as long as you can find an online person to play with.

Crystal Defenders – $9.99 game, had a sale about 2 months ago.  It’s tower defense with Final Fantasy skins.  And not a very good one at that.  Achievements are fairly basic though.

Fret Nice$14.99 game, it was billed as a platformer that allowed you to use a guitar controller.  Which is great until we remember that playing BC games on Xbox One make use of none of the external type controllers.  For example, no Kinect, no microphones and no guitars.  So playing Fret Nice will be with the standard controller and one of the achievements will not be able to be obtained which should move most of you away from this one.

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