Silent Hill: Downpour, Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard and Puzzle Quest added to Backwards Compatibility!!!

Wish I had posted this early but the computer I was near was having a whole bunch of issues.  Anyway, we had three games added to BC and thankfully I own all three, a couple even in disc form.  Puzzle Quest was kinda a gimme after the previous two a couple of weeks ago.  Eat Lead is a bit of a surprise since it was the very definition of a niche title.  It’s a lot of fun as long as you play the game on easy and don’t try to go for all 1000 achievement points.  Silent Hill Downpour is not quite as strong as the other 360 Silent Hill game (Homecoming) but I think we’ll see that one in short order as releases tend to happen in groups.  Give it a month.  Enjoy kids.

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