PSA: Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection actually installs 4 games on XB1.

As you are aware, Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection is not backwards compatible at this time.  While I think it is a possibility it will make BC eventually, it is much easier for them to make all of their numerous other XBLA games BC first since they take little effort.  Well, I saw a couple of posts this week that suggested that the Collection will actually install several games on the Xbox One that are naturally backwards compatible.  Well, I tried it, and lo and behold it installs 4 games.  Golden Axe (the discontinued XBLA release), Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3.  The interesting thing about this is that all 4 of those games were part of the original 104 released games.

August 21st, 2016 UPDATE: They probably did it sooner but I noticed this today.  If you are reading this, the glitch has been corrected.  It lasted a few months though, but the sad part is I will not be able to finish Golden Axe now.  I should have realized it was temporary and kept playing it until I 100%ed it.  Sorry, if you are reading this past the fact, it was nice while it lasted :). 

Maybe it was intentional and maybe it was a let’s be nice glitch that we haven’t fixed yet.  I was somewhat hoping Altered Beast, Comix Zone and Phantasy Star II would also show up since they are on the Ultimate Genesis Collection as well, just in their original Genesis forms.  It’s interesting, to this point Sega has released 20 games to backwards compatibility (and probably more in the pipeline).  Now Condemned is a retail release so they would probably omit that, but the other 19 are ripe for a compilation release similar to the Rare Replay that did so well.  Package those up, throw in a Genesis collection (with new achievements) and sell it for XB1 @ $29.99 or even $39.99.  People would eat it up.  Sega you’re welcome.  For the idea I only ask an advance copy.

I can wish, anyway…at some point I might put together a tiny table/spreadsheet that explains out basically the Disc, and what titles will install on Xbox One backwards compatibility.  For the ones that are two or more of course.  That way people would know if they throw in Namco Museum how many games are installing.  I dunno, just an idea.  Take care kids.



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