PSA: Alan Wake Will be Gone from Xbox Live (and Steam) on May 15th, 2017

Normally I don’t post anything on a Friday because there is usually nothing to post.  But this is certainly worth noting.  In an article from Kotaku, Alan Wake will no longer be available to download from Xbox Live come May 15th because of good ole music licensing issues (expiration).  Now obviously, if you have a disc or digital copy you will still be able to play it…but if you have put it off for whatever reason, now is the time to secure a copy.  I have it on disc, but I believe (I’ll have to check) but remember those free copies inside of Quantum Break…well I never redeemed mine.  Looks like time is a wasting then.  This might or might not affect the DLC as well, but they are Free, so you should have already picked them up regardless of whether you have the game.  Here are the links, and remember only until May 15th.  Steam is running a sale, but I would not count on Xbox doing the same before then(they might surprise us, who knows).  Enjoy your weekend.

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