Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Aqua, Anomaly Warzone Earth and Lazy Raiders are added to Backwards Compatibility!!

It’s nice to see three games released in a day (the first in a little while), but honestly I have heard of none of them. 

Aqua is a $5 Naval based shoot em up, tough achievements but for fans of the genre might be worth a quick Lincoln.

Anomaly: Warzone Earth is a $10 strategy title, achievements look reasonable, but it hasn’t had a sale in about 4 years.

Lazy Raiders is probably the most interesting of the bunch, $10 puzzler, achievements look very doable but be prepared to pay full price.

Let’s hope there are some big announcements come next week and E3.  These XBLA announcements aren’t going to hold over anybody.  Enjoy.


Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals for the Week of June 7th, 2016

There is unfortunately not much to see here this week unless you are really into sports on the Xbox One.  Honestly, I might consider a purchase of NHL Legacy on the 360 but only if they made it BC in the same week.  But honestly, it’s a bad week for sales all around.  On the upside, E3 is in a week (there should be some good BC announcements) and I’m working on my review to Dangerous Golf.  If things go well, I should have it up sometime early next week.  Have a great week.

Posted in Games

New reviews coming to

I am happy to report that I won a #FreeCodeFriday from Major Nelson which means six brand new digital games which I can turn around and produce some quality reviews for this site. Now how long will this take me? Probably about 2 months or one every week and a half.  It’s an exciting time and should help out this site a lot :). Here are the six games:

Dangerous Golf

Fragments of Him

Turn On

Among the Sleep

Anima: Gate of Memories

Hard Reset Redux


Have a good weekend!

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 31st, 2016

Welp, Mr. Nelson has not posted the deals as of yet, so we will have to settle for the watchful eyes of Mr. Reddit instead.    And there is absolutely nothing out there for us BC fans which is kinda depressing in its own way.  I guess they blew out the door last week.  Or something.  Anyway, hopefully we’ll have an official update later in the day.  Enjoy (or not :)).

10:00am Edit – Here is the official list, nothing really changed though.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

SSX added to Backwards Compatibility!

This one really isn’t much of an announcement but I suppose a few will be happy about it. It’s probably because it was a previous Amazon type leak anyway. But it is there, and more retail games (rather than Arcade releases) are always a plus.  Enjoy!

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

XCom: Enemy Unknown, Duck Tales: Remastered, Hexic 2, Magic 2012, Domino Master and Unbound Saga added to Backwards Compatibility!!!

Hot off the heels of the Games with Gold announcement comes a smattering of six games added to backwards compatibility.  Tweets can be here and here.  X-Com comes home earlier than the 16th which is nice news for those like me who already own it.  I actually own Duck Tales: Remastered and probably one of the few who have it on disc rather than digital. Hexic 2, I don’t want to play Hexic again, but I know a lot of people will be happy with the choice, same with Magic 2012.  I actually looked up the Domino game after it was announced, it’s only $5 but has some really hard achievements.  Reviews aren’t very positive either.  Finally there is Unbound Saga which is a poor man’s Final Fight/Double Dragon fighting game.  All I need to know is that X-Com and Duck Tales are BC.  My only question after this post is when do we get XCOM: Enemy Within to go BC.  Make it happen, enjoy kids!

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Games with Gold announced for June 2016

Welp, we knew it was going to happen this week, and there were rumors that it might be Red Dead Redemption (which were of course wrong, especially with a sale this week), but this June’s selection for Games with Gold is pretty good for the later part of the month.  Trust me, nobody really cares (over the age of 12) about Goat Simulator or Super Meat Boy.  The most important thing here?  XCOM!  XCOM!  F’ing X-Com.  1 of the 2 games that I have been wishing most for (other being Skyrim of course) is coming to BC.  I am not sure what that means for Enemy Within but you have to think it can’t be too far behind.  The only question that remains is whether they wait until the 16th or start the BC sooner.  Hopefully the later.  Great day kids, great day.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals for the week of May 24th, 2016

There are a ton of deals this week and that actually includes some backwards compatible titles.  I spent my entire week last week playing Project Spark.  Playing is probably not the right word, participating would be a better choice.  Anyway, I’m now well over 1,000 gs in the game and while I know I won’t get all of the achievements, I am aiming for level 50 (currently level 26) by August.  Truth be told, a week in and I remember why I stopped playing, it’s only enjoyable in short spurts.  It’s more fun to mess with creations that others make and that’s slowed down to a trickle for the most part due to the inevitable closure.  I miss Borderlands 2.

Anyway, without further adieu, we will jump right into the deals.  On the X1 side, I’m only really interested in Rogue Legacy (though Golf Club is pretty darn good for those looking for a very realistic interpretation of Golf).  On the Xbox 360 side, there is tons to be interested in.  There was a rumor late last week that Red Dead and Bioshock Infinite would be the GWG choices for next month (and thus giving us backwards compatibility on both titles).  Well both of them are on sale this week so that dispenses with that rumor.  I could very well be tempted to buy a few of these if they are made BC this week including the Saints Rows and Asura’s Wrath.  Oh and it’s nice to see Puzzle Quest 1 (and the DLC) and 2.  Those games are a steal at that price.  I’ve beaten them both to death and don’t regret a minute of it.  On a final note, let’s hope that Oblivion and Skyrim pull a sale/BC moment.  That would be epic.  Anyway, have a good week, hopefully something catches your eye this time around.

BC Sales for this Week

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Holy crap, it’s a sign of the apocalypse…okay not really. Black Ops added to Backwards Compatibility!

Welp, it finally happened.  Call of Duty: Black Ops has been added to the backwards compatibility program.   Everybody can now stop their complaining.  Correction.  All of the fanboys and Call of Duty whiners can stop their complaining.  I personally could care less, but I’m happy for them.  I will also go ahead and update the deals post since Black Ops is $10 this week hence pulling the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 BC Sales move (trademark pending).

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 17th, 2016

Hello there, it’s another week.  Before we get to another decent list of deals (some even BC), I’m not doing very well and I will tell you why.  They are cancelling Project Spark.  Project Spark was one of the first games I fell in love with when I bought an Xbox One.  It was free, but it was a good kind of free because people built all of these wonderful games and then you could play them.  Furthermore, it wasn’t as if they were all the same game either, there were shooters, puzzlers, rpgs, and all sorts of wonderful madness built into one.  Now they are removing all of the servers which essentially makes the game unplayable.  But they are giving a deadline with this one, and that’s the August timeframe.  So, the plan is to stop playing Borderlands 2 (Handsome Collection) in the next couple of weeks and focus myself solely on Project Spark until August.  Or until I get really bored :).  It’s still unsettling and upsetting me though.  Microsoft has basically been cutting loose every studio under their banner that is not a big AAA producing title.

Anyway, as for me this week, probably nothing to buy. I might grab Unravel for the Xbox One which is a great title (and even better at 50% off).  There are some interesting titles over on the 360 side of things but nothing to make me jump for joy even if they make them backwards compatible.  We’ll see.  Anyway, have fun kiddoes.  BTW, one quick thing…I am calling it right now in prediction land.  Next week (or the following)….Costume Quest for the original 360 will go on sale, and it will also be made backwards compatible.  Later.

11:45am Edit  – Incoming Black Ops.