Boom Boom Rocket and Syberia added to Backwards Compatibility!
Apparently today is full of news. Another couple of arcade games for us, Syberia being clearly the more interesting of the two.
Boom Boom Rocket – $9.99 rhythm game, and not a very good one by the looks of it. It also uses the Guitar which won’t work on the XB1, but’s on BC, right right?
Syberia – Another $9.99 game, but this one has seen sales from time to time as did its sequel (which is a shoe-in I would think at this point). Achievements are super-easy (and it’s a 1,000 point title), and it’s a nice story game. Just not too much replay value though.
BC Deals for the week of July 26th, 2016
Deals have finally been posted and there is a little bit here, but not too much. I would imagine that both Lords of Shadow eventually become BC if you want to speculate. Same with the three episodes of Alien Breed (though only the first episode is on sale). It is what it is. Maybe we’ll get some juicy announcements later. Enjoy.
BC Games with Gold for August 2016
Well, Games with Gold got announced for August 2016 (still haven’t seen a complete list of deals yet for this week, sorry). It’s really good for the Xbox One but 360 pickings are pretty meager this time around. (And no surprises either) Here is what we got (if you don’t like clicking links :))
Xbox 360
August 1st-15th – Spelunky
August 16th-31st – Beyond Good & Evil
Xbox One
August 1st-31st – Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
August 16th – September 15th – WWE 2k16
I’m sure I will have more later once the deals get posted. Enjoy.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I and II, Capcom Arcade Cabinet, Pacman Museum, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Crystal Defenders, and Fret Nice added to Backwards Compatibility!!
Wow, another round of eight. How wonderful. True, they are all arcade releases, but it’s 8 games people. Not to mention two of them are compilations (Capcom Arcade Cabinet and PacMan Museum), so that’s actually more than eight games technically. Anyway, this is a nice list. Let’s go through them (after the more tag):
Le Tour de France 2009, Half Minute Hero and Flock! added to Backwards Compatibility!!
Wow, haven’t had a Tuesday release in quite sometime. But I guess after last week being completely pitiful, they had to at least try to make up for it. Not that these three games are much but its the volume that keeps us happy.
Le Tour de France 2009 – It’s a $5 game for bicycle enthusiasts. The only important thing here is that its yet another Focus Home title which is good for those not on the BC list yet.
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax – A $9.99 rpg game with moderately difficult achievements but is much different in its approach and weapons. I would gladly pick it up in a sale, but it doesn’t appear its ever had one.
Flock! – A $14.99 game that’s available both digitally and physically (Capcom Digital Collection). The achievements are brutal but those who snagged it on the Collection are probably pretty happy right now.
BC Deals for the week of July 19th, 2016
So, we are well under a month now for the end of Project Spark. I crossed level 45 yesterday in my quest to get to the level 50 threshold. I would feel pretty darn good about making that level 50 if my experience wasn’t glitching out. By glitching, I mean not getting credit for all of the experience I get through dailies and milestones. It’s quite frustrating actually. I am close, I’ll keep gunning for it but this recent setback might be too much to overcome. In other news, I beat the single player mode for Dangerous Golf. I will finish co-op mode this week (I have 6 holes left) as well. Outside of a few collection achievements, I will be pretty much done with that one. I have no interest to try to get EVERY single gold medal out there. The fact I have about 30 per mode is more than enough. BTW, if you haven’t played Dangerous Golf since it was released, download the patch immediately. The Fast restarts are a true time saver, and they added more destruction too which means the scores do come a bit easier.
Anyway, sales…not much. The only draw here is the Phantom Breaker game and its DLC. The good thing is that it is a fantastic game and well worth $3 and $2.50 for the DLC. I’ve played through all of it, have almost all of the achievements (the one where you fall through the end of the stage and grab everything is still giving me fits and I’ve tried it about 10 times). And yes, you should grab the DLC. The new character is fun and the DLC also increases the level cap. (Trust me, you’ll need the extra levels when you beat the game in Hard) So, spend $5.50 and don’t look back. I spent $10 (7.50+2.50) and I easily got my money’s worth. Maybe I’ll try that level a couple more times *fingers crossed*. Enjoy kids.
Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos comes to Backwards Compatibility!?…wtf..
In the move that shook millions, thousands, dozens, one guy in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos has come to Backwards Compatibility. It’s a $5 game, was made about 7 years ago and has easy achievements. It reads like a hidden objects game with some puzzling elements. I can’t even feign excitement over this one. Go back to playing RDR, away with you!
BC Deals for the week of July 12th, 2016
So I did mess around with Red Dead Redemption on Xbox One on Friday for about an hour and can sum it up in two ways. Fantastic experience and I am absolutely miserable at riding a horse. The framerate feels crisp and it doesn’t feel like a last gen game at all. I also took part in the Ultimate Game sale big time buying 1 Xbox One title (Dragon Age Inquisition bundle) and 3 BC 360 Games (Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Mars: War Logs, and Faery: Lords of Avalon). I also bought a sealed copy of Bound by Flame which was developed by Spiders (who also did Mars: War Logs and Faery: Lords of Avalon along with the new Xbox One game: Technomancer). It’s not BC yet, but I am thinking it will be eventually. And if it isn’t, I figure I can make back my $10 bill if I really want to sell it. Anyway, there are a few sales this week for BC lovers. And if I were to be a betting man, I’d venture to say most of these (SNK titles and Worms) will be BC eventually. It’s not going to compete with the Ultimate Game sale but it’s a lot better than other weeks. Enjoy.
Blood of the Werewolf $1.74 (crazy price)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves $4.99
Metal Slug XX $7.49 (never get why they priced this at $15 MSRP)
In a tweet today and confirmed by RockStar games as well, Red Dead Redemption is coming to Backwards compatibility this Friday, July 8th. So while Skyrim didn’t work as planned, AT LEAST Red Dead is picking up some of the slack. Fantastic news. Makes the whole week. I will update the sale post in just a bit (as Rockstar was smart to pull a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 moment).
Ultimate Game Sale Week of July 5th, 2016 (Does not start until the 5th!)
Welp, normally I don’t even post on a Sunday since well I spend that time with my family. However, I figured the whole Ultimate Game Sale thing was worth reporting. Even though I’m saying this twice, just because I’m posting this on a Sunday does not mean this deal is live until a couple of days from now. The full sale list can be found here. Anyway, personally I’m interested in a couple of things on the XB1 side like Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY (should be $16), and Layers of Fear (should be $8). On the 360 side, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is FINALLY on sale. Still no Sega stuff or Sam & Max 1/2, but we’ll take it. Great sale overall and everybody should be able to find something. Also, I am listing the Gold Price only, Silver is 10% more. Oh, one last thing, these sale prices are approximations. I might be off by a penny or two so don’t hold me to it. Remember, Tuesday, not now. Got it, capiche? K, have fun. (Note, Links will be slowly added as time allows)
Assassin’s Creed 50% $9.99 (go buy a used disc copy for under $5)
Assassin’s Creed II 50% $9.99 (see above)
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger 50% $7.49
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 75% $3.74
Dirt 3 50% $12.49 (I feel sorry for those that wanted this game and didn’t get it when it was free)
Final Fight: Double Impact 50% $4.99
Gears of War Judgment 67% $6.59
Kane & Lynch 2 75% $3.74 (really good deal)
Soul Calibur II HD Online 50% $9.99 (*roll eyes*, not a good sale)
South Park: Stick of Truth 60% $7.99
Star Wars: Force Unleashed 50% $9.99
Star Wars: Force Unleashed II 50% $9.99
King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match 50% $4.99
EDIT – 7/5/16 – Along with Red Dead, there are a few more deals that showed up including Faery & Mars: War Logs at substantial discounts. Well played, well played. Enjoy BC fans, this is the kinda sale we hoped for.
Alan Wake: American Nightmare 50% $4.99
Faery: Legends of Avalon 75% $1.87 (Insane)
Mars: War Logs 75% $2.49 (I don’t feel so bad anymore about missing it 3 months ago)
Also, one last thing. RAW or Realms of Ancient War is $2.49 this week. RAW is not BC, but it’s made by Focus Home Interactive (Faery, Mars) so I’d put this at 90% chance of happening and worth the gamble.