Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Super Sale is coming on Xbox Live – May 16th, 2017

Well, this has certainly been a busy day, heck more busy than the whole week.  Major Nelson Tweet indicates there will be a BC super sale coming this Tuesday.  275+ games (you are high if you think I’m going to spend all day listing prices…okay maybe I will, we’ll see what I got going on that day).  For the record, there are 378 games at this time that are BC.  Taking a look at the list, I would greatly appreciate some of the lesser known ones such as Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd, either Sam & Max game, Ticket to Ride, and recent BC addition, Band of Bugs.  And of course, the DLC where applicable.  Again, have a great weekend.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

PSA: Alan Wake Will be Gone from Xbox Live (and Steam) on May 15th, 2017

Normally I don’t post anything on a Friday because there is usually nothing to post.  But this is certainly worth noting.  In an article from Kotaku, Alan Wake will no longer be available to download from Xbox Live come May 15th because of good ole music licensing issues (expiration).  Now obviously, if you have a disc or digital copy you will still be able to play it…but if you have put it off for whatever reason, now is the time to secure a copy.  I have it on disc, but I believe (I’ll have to check) but remember those free copies inside of Quantum Break…well I never redeemed mine.  Looks like time is a wasting then.  This might or might not affect the DLC as well, but they are Free, so you should have already picked them up regardless of whether you have the game.  Here are the links, and remember only until May 15th.  Steam is running a sale, but I would not count on Xbox doing the same before then(they might surprise us, who knows).  Enjoy your weekend.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals of the Week for May 9th, 2017

Welp, I did finish the bonus adventure in Grim Legends and then promptly started the normal play-through (with dominoes) on Expert.  It’s one of those things that if I didn’t start it right there, it would have just sat for months or possibly years (see my history with Lego Games).  Unless I screw up somewhere, I will 100%, I’m fairly sure.  I also got quite a bit farther (farther than I ever thought I would get) in Burnout Paradise.  “A” License, did some of the discovery achievements and even got a 10x in Showtime.  I still would like to get the 500 takedowns before moving on though but I already well exceeded my expectations.

Anyway, it’s a slow week or shaping up to be.  The only BC title here is Saints Row IV which was already a GWG.  The other Saints Row games are practically begging to be BC as is Dungeon Defenders.  Hopefully we get an announcement for some of that.  I really don’t see anything on the X1 side I want, so I guess barring a BC announcement, I’m probably keeping my money this week.  So enjoy the week!

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Band of Bugs, Bullet Soul, Bullet Soul -Infinite Burst-, Hard Corps: Uprising and Harms Way added to Backwards Compatibility!!!!!

Well, it wasn’t a Star Wars day for sure, but we did get 5 new games added to backwards compatibility.  So there is always that.  The Bullet Soul games were mentioned a while back as getting the BC nod but of course as we have learned with others, that takes time.  (See Burnout Paradise)  Band of Bugs is a welcome addition for sure but where is my Outpost Kaloki X?  And Hard Corps: Uprising is sure to delight Contra fans.  Harms Way?  Well eating a few Doritos might be a better option.  Enjoy.

Bullet Soul Tweet

Band of Bugs, Hard Corps: Uprising & Harms Way Tweet

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 and Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved added to Backwards Compatibility!!

Well it’s not the announcement some of us were probably expecting (that’s probably Thursday honestly)…but it’s another couple of games on the pile.  Honestly, I played the first one and had enough trouble with that for me to be scared off the sequels.  I will say the third one does have a physical port on the X1 and cheaper versus the 360 digital price.  But if you already own it on 360, then fire away as the saying goes.  Enjoy.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 2nd, 2017

Hello kids, it’s another interesting week here at  It’s Star Wars week, my kid turns two and we apparently have lots of sales.  This past week, I did beat the main game of Grim Legends: Forsaken Bride.  This week, if I have time I will at least start the bonus adventure before going back and playing the game on expert to hopefully finish up the achievements.  I sure the heck hope the expert play-through goes quicker (with dominoes).  Lots of Capcom and Star Wars sales this week, my primary area of interest is the Star Wars pinball tables.  I do have a couple of the packs but this week we also get the single tables on sale which is pretty rare.  I’ll probably scoop up everything I don’t have.  But that’ll be it for me.  Also, a word of warning and a word of advice.  Star Wars: Force Unleashed II and Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga are on sale this week…unless your Gold membership is about to expire (and you don’t want to re-up), don’t get them.  Why?  Because Force Unleashed II is already Free with Gold and then Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga goes Free with Gold later this month.  And then part 2, be sure to watch Lego Star Wars III, I have a feeling that will go BC sometime this week (probably Thursday).  At $5, that’s a steal and cheaper than disc (which I own but might ditch in favor of digital).  All titles appear after the –More– (lots to list).  Anyway, that’s about it…have a great week and enjoy.

Continue reading “BC Deals with Gold for the week of May 2nd, 2017”

Posted in Film & Television Reviews

Saturday Night Fever: Director’s Cut Blu-Ray Review is Now Up!

Yes, I did a movie review after three freaking years.  Hopefully I still got it, check out the link.

Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Dead Space 2, Dead Space 3, and a whole bunch of Cabela games added to Backwards Compatiblity!!!!

I would list out all of the Cabela games in the title, but it would become darn repetitive.  Anyway, it is six games, and more importantly Dead Space 2 and 3.  Which means all of Dead Space is now BC.  Great stuff and I guess hunting fans should also rejoice though I’m certainly not one of them.  I do think this sets a record though and that’s the # of disc games to go BC in one day.  Since all of these are disc (and most are digital) games, that would be 6 and I’m pretty sure we have not done that yet.  Anyway, enjoy.

Cabela Tweet

Dead Space 2/3 Tweet


Games (all available on disc and at cheaper prices)


Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

Timeshift, Assault Heroes 2, and Commanders: Attack of the Genos added to Backwards Compatibility!!!

Not a bad announcement, not a bad announcement at all.  One retail game and a couple of $4.99 XBLA games.  Timeshift, you probably have passed on the retail shelf a time or two (I know I have) and just wondered if it was any good or not.  The other two, I’m not that familiar with but I am aware a lot of people really liked Assault Heroes 2 (but oddly the original is not BC).  But since Assault Heroes 2 and Commanders are both so cheap, I might give one of them a chance.  Enjoy.


Posted in Xbox 360 to One BC

BC Deals with Gold for the Week of April 25th, 2017

Welp, another week…last week was pretty tough for me in the sense my kid was quite sick.  So I spent a lot of time taking care of him and while we did watch a lot of television, it wasn’t as if I could just play video games.  I got some Burnout Paradise and Grim Legends time in, but not that much honestly.  Anyway, on to the sales which aren’t bad, but I might sit this one out.  I want Dex for the X1 but 25% off is not going to get me to the dance.  40% or more would have probably hooked me.  On the 360, the only actual BC game is Faery which has been on sale before.  I am looking into Final Exam and Orc Attack to see if they are worth the $2.49 and $3.29 respectively.  Final Exam looks a little more interesting and is put out by Focus who have had many of their games BC’ed.  Hopefully, we’ll get a few announcements this week, see you folks later.