Mr. Driller Online, New Rally X and NIN2 – Jump added to Backwards Compatibility!!

Welp, we got three titles today as announced by Major Nelson.  A couple more Namco games and then an odd one I haven’t heard of before.

Mr. Driller Online – $10 game, tough achievements on this mediocre title.  However, this one is on the Namco Virtual Museum Arcade disc (which you should own by now) and that’s going to be your best bang for your buck.

New Rally X – $5 title, and very easy achievements.  It’s still not a good game, but it is also available on the Namco disc.

NIN2 – Jump – our final title, also $5.  Achievements are also pretty easy. This is a platforming title made by Cave and is supposed to be pretty decent.  It supposedly plays out like the player is in a  Japanese shadow theater complete with commentary from the audience when the character gets hurt.  The story is you are a ninja and you are saving the princess from another evil ninja.  I might give it a shot :).

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