Jet Set Radio, MX vs. ATV Reflex & Texas Hold ‘Em are now available on Xbox One Back Compatibility!

Welp, I had a feeling that there would be titles announced today. However, not in a million years would I have guessed these three games.  Jet Set Radio is regularly $9.99 and pretty much has not seen a sale since it was released back in 2012 but that’s Sega for you.  (I lost count how many Sega sales I’m waiting for) MX vs ATV Reflex is a rare disc release game but I would honestly stay clear of it due to the fact it has seven discounted achievements due to closed servers.  Finally Texas Hold Em was basically the first poker game on the Xbox 360 and it might be cheap at $4.99 (also can be found on the Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged disc) but its simplicity explains that in a heartbeat.  Also, it has one of the hardest achievements known to man where you had to get one hand of every type to unlock.  Yes, that includes the Royal Flush.  Basically, you had to put rubberbands on your controller (or be extremely lucky) and just set it up overnight to run through thousands of hands.  Ridiculous.  Anyway, enjoy.

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