Interesting Spanish Article about 44 more titles being added to XB1 Backwards Compatibility

Found this article today hiding behind a few news items.  It apparently links 44 new titles, but you will need a translator (it’s in Spanish) that are soon to come out for Xbox One Backwards Compatibility.  Much like the German original leak list pdf that was released a while back, we’ll treat this as strictly rumor, but its worth mentioning.  Full list of titles and discussion after the more.

Here are the titles (I have translated this into English as much as possible):

•Alpha Protocol
•Amped 3
•BionicCommando: Rearmed 1&2
•BioShock Infinite
•Burnout Revenge
•Crackdown 2
•Dust: An Elisyan Tail
•Final Exam
•Final Fantasy XIII
•Geometry Wars Evolved 2
•Hard Corps: Uprising
•Marvel Ultimate Alliance
•Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
•Mass Effect 2
•Mass Effect 3
•Mega Man 10
•Mega Man 9
•Metal Gear Solid 2 AND 3
•Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD
•NFL Blitz
•Resident Evil 5
•Ridge Racer 6
•Rumble Roses XX
•Saints Row IV
•Skate 3
•Sonic 4 Episode 1
•Soul Calibur V
•Sonic Generations
•Star Ocean IV The Last Hope
•Super Street Fighter II HD Remix
•Street Fighter X Tekken
•Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
•Tales of Vesperia
•TMNT 1989 Arcade
•Transformers: CDC
•Transformers: GPC
•Vigilante 8 Arcade
•Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
•Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

That’s a mouthful folks.  Let’s hit some highlights.  Alpha Protocol is a minor surprise, but extremely worthy, too many people have passed over that one.  The article actually lists Bionic Commando: Rearmed twice so I assumed it here its the first one and the sequel.  Burnout Revenge is a bit of a surprise considering most of us thought Paradise was only being worked on, but again….good!  The Crackdowns and Dust were expected for the most part.

Final Fantasy XIII, wow.  I honestly thought those while wanted were just going to be glossed over.  Now I assume this will probably come in stages with XIII first, XIII-2 next and finally XIII Lightening Returns.  I have all three, completely unplayed and this might actually get me to break one open, but not guaranteed.  Moving on to two titles I will certainly re-play, the two Marvel Ultimate Alliance games.  I admit, that once these two games came back for download (and with their DLC bundled), I kinda expected for them to make BC.  I have all of them (and the guides too), I’m good to go.

Mass Effects, Mega Mans, Metal Gear Solids, expected, solid selections.  I doubt Resident Evil 5 since it’s random and I read an announcement today that had 4,5,6 coming to Xbox One and it sure did not sound like a BC announcement (more like a port thing).  I highly doubt Rumble Roses XX even though I own a copy and would throw it back in for nostalgia value from time to time.  The same goes for Saints Row IV since there is an existing port on XB1.  I would expect SR 1-3 way before a IV announcement.

Then we have Star Ocean which would be awesome, along with Tales of Vesperia…two RPGs that I both own and would gladly like to play on a newer system.  I am confused by the three Street Fighter titles (and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3)with Street Fighter V making the rounds, but *shrug* whatever.

Then we get to the biggest head scratcher on the list, TNA Impact!  I watched TNA for the longest time up until I cut the cord and went Hulu, HBOGO and Amazon Video.  It’s one of the few things I miss, but with Hulu I do get NXT (Samoa Joe) and Smackdown (AJ Styles) so I make up for it a little bit.  Anyway, this game was atrocious, just go look at the reviews, it’s a bad, bad wrestling game.  Who is actually asking for this game?  Only 460 of you according to Xbox User Voice.  So…this is a complete head scratcher…I’m not even sure who owns the license as Midway went away a long time ago.  Oh wait, according to Wikipedia, it was for all of $100,000 to Southpeak Games which hasn’t put a game out in 5 years.  So unless they are doing it out good faith, I am putting this on a pretty strong NO! NO! NO!  (oh wait, wrong wrestling federation and the guy retired recently)

Finally, we get a couple of Transformers games which I’m not familiar with the abbreviations…I would guess its the Cybertron games…not sure though.  Finally we get X-Men the game which actually wasn’t too bad, it was X-Men Destiny that was a steaming pile.  However, this is again one of the licenses type games that I would think wouldn’t make it.  Hugh Jackman is on the cover for pete’s sake.

Anyway, still a solid list, I hope at least half of it comes true but I’m not counting any of it as official for now…except we can bank on titles like Mass Effect 2/3, Skate 3, Bioshock Infinite, and Crackdown 1/2.  But outside of that, this is very speculative.  We shall see, enjoy.

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