Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project and Sonic the Fighters added to Backwards Compatibility!

Microsoft certainly loves their odd pairings and trios when it comes to announcing releases to backwards compatibility.  Interestingly enough, I do own the Duke Nukem game which was a throwback to the older Duke games on the PC (side scroller action).  I never finished it and I would imagine that this at least gives me incentive to give it another shot.  On the what was the last time this game had a sale…Garou was $4.99 (normally $9.99) in April of last year, Duke has been on sale never (normally $9.99), and Sonic the Fighters was last on sale in 2013 (but on the flip side it’s only normally $5 and an easy completion).  We’ll take it but hopefully there is at least one more announcement this week.

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