Games with Gold for Month of November 2019

Looks like the new Games with Gold were announced this morning. Well, the Xbox One list is pretty decent in my opinion.  I also dig a good mystery game and you can’t go wrong with some Sherlock Holmes action.  Final Station might be decent as well, but be warned there is some DLC for $5 that does add if nothing else quite a bit of achievement points to the game.

The 360 GWG is pathetic, sorry.  I think we have all of the Xbox Original Star Wars games now and Joyride Turbo was given away as part of a Mountain Dew promotion or something where a bunch of people abused the system so pretty much everybody got it free already?  That’s what I remember anyway.  So yeah, I’ll get both of the Xbox One games but the 360 keeps getting slower and slower.

Do not be surprised if they abandon the 360 games with gold come the new year.  There is just a feeling in the back of my head that keeps pointing towards it.  Now whether they go to 3 or 4 games a month on Xbox One, I’m not sure, but we might be nearing the end of an era.  Try to enjoy folks.

Xbox One

  • Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter  (November 1st-30th)
  • The Final Station (November 16th – December 15th)

Xbox 360

  • Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (XBO) (November 1st-15th)
  • Joyride Turbo (November 16th-30th)

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