Games with Gold for Month of January 2021

Looks like the new Games with Gold were announced this week.   A pretty good month for games even if I have some of them.  Little Nightmares is fantastic, I have a physical copy as well as DLC but a digital copy will be appreciated if I don’t want to throw it in the drive so to speak.  Dead Rising is one of those games I always wanted to try but didn’t want to spend the money to do so.  On the Xbox 360 side, King of Fighters XIII is a fairly hard to get game in its physical form from what I understand so a free digital copy is really appreciated.

Finally, we have Breakdown which I did have a physical copy of and played it upon its announcement to backwards compatibility.  However, what I found was that it had not aged well and while the story was still there, the gameplay was fairly archaic and I lost interest quickly.  But since I did get rid of my disc, I might get an itch again one of these days.  A very welcome foursome and a good reason to have a great holiday season.  Enjoy.

Xbox One

  • Little Nightmares (January 1st – January 31st)
  • Dead Rising (January 16th – February 15th)

Xbox 360

  • King of Fighters XIII   (January 1st – January 15th)
  • Breakdown (XBO)  (January 16th – January 31st)

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