Games with Gold for Month of January 2020

Looks like the new Games with Gold were announced this week.  Sorry for not catching it sooner, but this time of the year is very busy.  I will warn you that as of right now that Batman: The Telltale Series is completely broken in regards to achievements.  Why you ask?  Because the company that took over the game released a new texture pack of sorts called Shadows mode.  Which is pretty cool in the sense that it gives the game a very “Sin City” like look.  What is not cool is that it didn’t really add any new achievements or things to do.  What is worse, it broke the damn game.  Avoid until you see it fixed.  Tekken 6 is a decent fighting game but it does have some online achievements so you are aware.  Lego Star Wars II the Original Trilogy is only good for those who want a difficult and frustrating Lego game before they became much more polished.  It’s not a great month but if they fix the Batman bugs in time, it can at least be a very good month.  Enjoy.

Xbox One

  • Styx: Shards of Darkness  (January 1st – January 31st)
  • Batman: Telltale Series (January 16th – February 15th)

Xbox 360

  • Tekken 6 (January 1st-15th)
  • Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (January 16th-31st)

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