Games with Gold announced for June 2016

Welp, we knew it was going to happen this week, and there were rumors that it might be Red Dead Redemption (which were of course wrong, especially with a sale this week), but this June’s selection for Games with Gold is pretty good for the later part of the month.  Trust me, nobody really cares (over the age of 12) about Goat Simulator or Super Meat Boy.  The most important thing here?  XCOM!  XCOM!  F’ing X-Com.  1 of the 2 games that I have been wishing most for (other being Skyrim of course) is coming to BC.  I am not sure what that means for Enemy Within but you have to think it can’t be too far behind.  The only question that remains is whether they wait until the 16th or start the BC sooner.  Hopefully the later.  Great day kids, great day.

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