Deals with Gold for the week of November 15th, 2016

Welp, I finished Mars: War Logs.  The hardest fight was certainly not the last fight, it was instead this three part fight they stuck in a mission prior to the final mission.  I won’t spoil it, but I will say be sure to have health injection packs ready.  I finished the game with the Honor ending, now I will be going back and play the Third chapter over with the Resistance to get that ending.  Then I will move on to something else.  Interestingly enough, I might be moving to the lone BC deal of the week, Bound by Flame, another Spiders title.  I already own it on disc, but if I didn’t…be assured at $5 for Digital, it’s a bargain.  So enjoy this week, I’m sure we’ll have a couple of good announcements in store.

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