Category: !Reviews
Penguin Highway (Blu-ray) Review
Posted this at the beginning of this week, it is a real good one. I have a review for Major League coming next week of all things.
Okko’s Inn (Blu-ray) Review
This review I posted last month. Unfortunately I realized when I was working on the site’s re-design, I didn’t post this one when I should have. Enjoy.
Modest Heroes: Ponoc Short Films Theatre (Blu-ray) Review
Finally, one I finished today. It’s a collection of shorts called: Modest Heroes: Ponoc Short Films Theatre.
Princess Mononoke Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Review
The second is probably the nicest thing as far as presentation, I ever have been able to review: Princess Mononoke Collector’s Edition.
The Street Fighter Collection (Blu-ray) Review
It appears I have been a bit lazy to link my recent reviews over at The first is The Street Fighter Collection with Sonny Chiba.
Lu Over the Wall (Blu-ray) Review
And one more anime to grow on.
Sarah T: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic (Blu-ray) Review
A 70’s TV movie, and they say I’m not varied in my reviewing skills.
The Night is Short, Walk on Girl (Blu-Ray) Review
Back to the Japanese anime’s.
Road Redemption (Xbox One)
Road Rash debuted for the Sega Genesis in 1991. Sequels and ports to other consoles would continue until the year 2000 as the last game in the series, Road Rash: Jailbreak was released to the original Sony Playstation. It was the perfect motorcycle racing combat game, full of hard nosed fighting and a pulse quickening race system that kept making the player go for “one more try” to get first place. Though a few video game companies have tried to emulate the style over the last 15 years, nobody has really gotten it right (or even close in some instances). That is until Road Redemption came along.
The Third Murder (Blu-Ray) Review
Finally, a Japanese courtroom drama. Amazing, excellent and worth watching more than once.