Burnout Paradise, Rayman Legends and Pure added to Backwards Compatibility!!!

Welp, this is why I don’t like to mention rumors.  No Oblivion (or Modern Warfare 3), but Burnout Paradise is certainly welcome even if it was supposed to happen a long time ago :).  Rayman Legends already has a port on the Xbox One (and the XB1 port was free for a month too) and Pure is one of those games you saw in bargain bins for a $1 (it was on plenty of combo discs).  It’s a great announcement, I just be lying if I wasn’t a little disappointed.  Ahh, Rumors, you double edge sword you.

  • Burnout Paradise $14.99 (if you don’t own it on digital or disc, wait until December 16 to get it for free)
  • Rayman Legends $39.99 (much cheaper on disc and you probably already own it on X1)
  • Pure (not available on the Xbox store, but you can get it in a bundle disc with Lego Batman (also BC) or by itself for very cheap)

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