Book Review of Street Freaks by Terry Brooks

Edit: About ten minutes after I wrote this post, I found the part in the widget script that I had to change.  Wasn’t hard at all.  I still might keep a list running in the blog too though, after all I want to progress the site towards my reviews and writing as we move forward and unfortunately away from Xbox backwards compatibility.  

I am sure most of my loyal readers by now have seen my book reviews to the right.  It’s interesting the way it works for Goodreads is that it will show the latest 12 books I’ve reviewed but it bases the date off when I add the book.  So, for example I just finished Street Freaks but I added it to my Want to Read list on Goodreads over a year ago, so it won’t show up in the list.  If I can figure out how to correct it, I certainly will.  But maybe it would be just easier if I put the list up here in the blog and drop the side widget.  A little more work for me, but you get it.

Anyway, here is the review, enjoy.

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