BC Deals with Gold for the Week of November 7th, 2017

I did not play too much last week, mostly worked on the achievement in Pinball FX3 where you max out all of your wizard powers/upgrades on a single table.  I’ll probably play FX3 a lot less now because I finished that, but it does open up things a bit.  Mostly to play Oxenfree which is probably what I’m focusing on for a couple of weeks.  Not too much in sales this week. I keep wondering when the Worms series will finally be made BC, I’m not sure what they are waiting for at this point.  I do notice that Worms 2 is not part of the sales list which makes me think that it will be the first one to go.  It would be really nice if they went ahead with Deadpool and made it BC too.  It’s not like they are making that much money off of it anymore.  *sigh*, probably a license thing.  Enjoy.

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