BC Games with Gold for the Week of October 16th, 2018

So the last week, I’ve been only playing two games.  Minecraft Story (finished episode 4), and Batman: Arkham Asylum (about to go through the first Scarecrow section).  Re-playing Batman AA has been a blast and even though I’m familiar with a lot of what is going on, it is still something of a new experience.  Also the X1 port is freaking awesome, a lot of little tweaks I’ve noticed and appreciated.

Anyway, we do have some sales this week.  There is a lot on this list that should be backwards compatible but is not like Duke Nukem 3d, Final Exam and RAW.  I really wish there were a few more arcade BC games coming out but it really seems like they are focusing their efforts on the retail releases.  Maybe today will change that, enjoy kids.

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