BC Deals with Gold for the Week of September 2nd, 2020

Sorry for not posting this yesterday, working from home is a lot rougher than I ever imagined especially when you put in roughly 55 hours a week.  Something has to be pushed to the side and unfortunately this column is sometimes the odd one out.  I finished Yoku’s Island Express last week, the last few wickerlings and scarabs weren’t so bad just time consuming.  Great game overall, had a lot of fun with it.  If a sequel came out, I would play it in a heartbeat.

I did start a new game which is actually new for once and not a game I’m calling new that might have came out a year or two ago.  That game is Tell Me Why which is the latest adventure game by Dontnod Entertainment who are of course the geniuses behind the Life is Strange Games.  So far so good, I’m really enjoying it.  If I have time, I stress if I have time, I might be inclined to do a review for this and then update the review as the episodes (3 total) come out.  Just something to keep me writing as the saying goes.

Anyway, we do have sales this week as usual.  Outside of the fact that Xbox Live Sales Guy can’t spell Assassin this week (I’ve corrected it below), it’s a fairly normal week.  Some good stuff, most of which we have seen a million times before.  Nothing really for me in that list.  However, please enjoy and have a great week.



Game Content Type % Price
Sine Mora Backward Compatible 80% $1.99
Stuntman Ignition Backward Compatible 80% $2.99
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag – Freedom Cry Backward Compatible 60% $9.99
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Backward Compatible 60% $11.99
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Assassin’s Creed Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Far Cry 3 DLC Bundle Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Backward Compatible 60% $5.99
Far Cry 2 Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Far Cry Classic Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Prince of Persia Classic Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory(XBO) Backward Compatible 60% $5.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent (XBO) Backward Compatible 60% $5.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox 360) Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow(XBO) Backward Compatible 60% $5.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell(XBO) Backward Compatible 60% $5.99
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Backward Compatible 67% $6.59
Rainbow Six Vegas Backward Compatible 67% $6.59
Rayman 3 HD Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Rayman Legends Backward Compatible 67% $6.59
Rayman Origins Backward Compatible 70% $4.49
Beyond Good & Evil HD Backward Compatible 67% $3.29
Brothers in Arms: HH Backward Compatible 40% $5.99
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Backward Compatible 50% $4.99
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Backward Compatible 50% $9.99
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Backward Compatible 50% $9.99
I Am Alive Backward Compatible 70% $4.49
Outland Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Trials HD Backward Compatible 60% $3.99
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Assassin’s Creed III Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Prince of Persia Backward Compatible 60% $7.99
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Backward Compatible 60% $3.99


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