BC Deals with Gold for the week of September 27th, 2016

Well, it seems like everybody is slow this morning because I really don’t have anything to report.  360 deals aren’t even up yet.  And honestly, it’s fairly reasonable to surmise that there might not even end up being any deals to write home about.  I’ll update the column if I see anything but based on the XB1 deals, don’t expect much.

By the way, I started Mars: War Logs over the weekend and I’m actually enjoying myself.  The atmosphere is enticing and it seems like exactly what I need (a small RPG that’s not too tough).  The fighting does have its issues, and the colors are a little bland, but it’s not bad, seriously.  I will bring up one crucial tip for those who are playing…DO YOUR SIDE QUESTS.  A lot of games, the side quests barely matter except to prolong the game….but I had completely neglected my side quests  until nearly the end of Chapter 1.  Last night, I went back, did them and gained 4 levels.  (I was only level 5)  Certainly worth it and I will probably be a lot better prepared for what’s to come.  I’m half tempted to do a review once I beat it.  We’ll see.  Enjoy kids.

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