BC Deals with Gold for the Week of September 25th, 2018

I would like to say I have played a ton of games last week or perhaps finished a game even.  No, I can’t say I have been.  I’ve been in a lot of pain and the capper was last night after my dental surgery when I literally could not sleep because of how much pain I was in.  Eventually somewhere along the way I did pass out and had all sorts of weird dreams which ended in a nightmare and shook me awake.  Somehow, I’m here writing to you but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wish I was in a bed pumped full of some kind of painkillers instead of the lousy ones I’m on.

Anyway, we do have sales today, even if none of them are actually backwards compatible.  Hey if nothing else, we have the easiest 360 game (Avatar) for achievements on sale.  I actually have all of those Raven episodes but with a remaster on Xbox One, there is little chance of it ever becoming backwards compatible.  So enjoy the rest of your week, and be thankful that you aren’t in the pain like I am.  Take care.

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