BC Deals with Gold for the Week of September 24th, 2019

Welp Guardians of the Galaxy went quickly for me this past week.  I got through the second and third episodes relatively easy.  The only issue was in Episode 3, Chapter 5 where the game decided to be ugly and not give me an achievement (but it did for the final chapter of Episode 3).  Lots of people apparently get glitches with this section but not so much on the achievement end.  I guess I will be replaying it this weekend.

On the Monster Hunter front, I am now playing “High Ranking” quests.  I guess I’m in the latter stages of the game, so maybe I will beat the story mode after all at some point.  I think I’m HR 12 if that means anything.  I still feel like I’m piddling along but I guess if I keep making progress, then that’s all you can really ask for.  I have certainly sank enough time into it though, with over 70 hours currently.  It will probably end up being 100 if I am able to beat the main story.

Anyway, enough of that.  We have some sales.  Mostly Call of Duty if you are scoring at home (and not very good prices at that).  The Hitmans have a nice discount as do the Lost Planet Games.  Still a darn shame that Remember Me never got to backwards compatibility but at $5 if you have a working 360, it’s probably worth it.  Well enjoy the rest of your week and the prices are after the bump.

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