BC Deals with Gold for the Week of September 22nd, 2020

I would like to say I played plenty of games last week, that was certainly not the case.  I am not sure if it was bad luck or I was stuck in a rut but every time I tried to boot up Tell Me Why to finish off the 2nd episode, it needed a damn update of some sort.  And then yesterday I thought I could set aside some time finally and boom, Xbox update.  I made a tiny bit of progress on Redeemer but honestly it’s not worth going into detail for either.  I did finish a book I had been reading though, so I guess that’s the tradeoff, lol.

We do have a sale this week which does have plenty of Devil May Cry as well as Resident Evil, except one problem.  Neither of those are backwards compatible.  I take it back, there is that one RE title that is BC, but that’s honestly it.  This is a whole list of games (with a few exceptions) that for the most part are requiring you to have your Xbox 360 up and running which is harder these days.  Mine is okay last time I checked, but I also had to buy it used (it’s my second one after my first one was able to be repaired 3 times before it hit the dust).  So I’m guessing it’s running on borrowed time.   Used consoles aren’t what they used to be.  Have a great week and enjoy.

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