BC Deals with Gold for the week of September 13th, 2016

Welp, I did partake in the Namco sale last week….actually grabbed three games in total.  The 3 in 1 pack (PacMan, Galaga, and Dig Dug), Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition for Xbox One and then PacMan Museum for Xbox 360.  I stopped short of getting Galaga Legions DX and figured the nostalgia on the original Galaga would be enough.  I ended up playing Galaga off the 3 in 1 pack for about 2-3 hours, got over half of the achievements and then went back to something else.

This week is the usual Warner Bros (read as Batman) + Lego everything sale that we get every so many months.   Speaking about Lego, I would probably get Lego Batman 2 digitally if they made it backwards compatible.  I have the disc but I’ve barely touched it and would be willing to sell it off fairly quickly. In the it should be backwards compatible but currently isn’t department, we have Deadly Premonition and Lord of the Rings: War of the North both on sale.  I have both on disc and they are very well done.  I have a feeling this week that we might get something in this list on BC (like another Lego title or two) but I’m not holding my breath.  Enjoy.

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