BC Deals with Gold for the Week of October 9th, 2018

Welp, gaming wise last week was probably best described as weird.  I blew through Altered Beast, I put Peggle down again (got the 20 million achievement and took a honest look at the Peggle Nights challenges left and said NOPE :)), re-started Minecraft Story (Episode 4), and started Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox One version).  AA is such a lovely game, seriously.  Provided I get enough time, it will be quite enjoyable going through it again.

But enough about that.  We have sales! Much like Altered Beast was last week, Fighting Vipers has to be the I’d buy that for a dollar and complete in about an hour game.  Virtua Fighter 2 also falls into that group, but it will cost you a couple of dollars instead.  Daytona USA is also easy achievement fodder, but it was GWG I believe a while back (and I’ve already beat it) so $5 seems a little too much.  The Worms games seemed shoe ins for backwards compatibility when we started this thing so I don’t even know what to think with those games.  Maybe today, maybe not.  Enjoy kids.

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