BC Deals with Gold for the Week of October 31st, 2017

This is Halloween, This is Halloween. It is actually…anyway I spent last week as you probably guessed from the last two posts, playing two games for Reviews. I will continue to play Oxenfree in spots but my time with The Park is done. I am also still playing quite a bit of Pinball FX3, and working on some achievements there. The sales are nothing fantastic this time around but I’ll use this time to highlight a couple of things. I hope this is the signaling of Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief joining BC in the coming weeks (I already have all three episodes). That price is fantastic, especially if you missed when Raven was GWG.  Second, since we are talking about BC here, we can easily talk about Retro games re-existing on the Xbox One.  There is a game coming out today called 8-Bit Adventure Anthology which includes Shadowgate, Deja Vu, and Uninvited, a complete nostalgia trip for those of us who where around in the 80’s and remember these text based adventures.  The achievements are a hoot too.  Anyway, here are your sales titles for today.  Enjoy.


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