BC Deals with Gold for the Week of October 30th, 2018

Still playing Minecraft Story and Batman: Arkham Asylum.  Minecraft Story, I just finished Episode 6 (this was the first episode I actually felt was interesting) and Batman, I’ve entered the Arkham Mansion and currently exploring and solving riddles (up to 25% currently).  I’ll keep tag teaming on these two games (since that formula seems to be working well for me) until I finish one of them (Minecraft Story more than likely).  Then we’ll see where we go from there.

So we do have some sales this week.  I’m hoping Max Payne 3 becomes BC this week and it also just happens that it is on sale as well.  But most people have been hoping for Max Payne for a while now.  Heck, some people have gone as far as to want MP 1 and 2 on the original Xbox to go BC as well.  (Which I do not have an issue with).  Also, if you don’t have it, be sure to pick up Phantasy Star 2 this week.   At half off, it’s super worth it.  I wish Sega would have released the other Phantasy Stars (1,3,4) in the single game with achievements format.  Maybe they will if the Final Fantasy classic games dropping next year do as well as everybody is thinking.   Enjoy kids.

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