BC Deals with Gold for the Week of October 1st, 2019

Well, I finished the fourth episode in Guardians of the Galaxy, and we are not going to talk about the miserable state of the Guardians as my decisions have led it to be.  Yeah, I’m surprised the game didn’t take a flying leap off a very tall planet.  Also, Episode 4 might have the worst decision to consider ever in a TellTale game, the Tape Deck.  How do you choose between tunes and life man?

Anyway, I’m still also playing Monster Hunter World.  Grinding my butt off is basically what I’m doing.  But my gear is slowly getting better and hopefully I will be prepared for what is to come.  I probably need to throw a new game into a mix, at least for a week though to help with the monotony.  Moving on, we do have some sales this week.  It is a Devil May Cry themed week which would be great except DMC is not backwards compatible, at all.  However, this might be a good week to pick up Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey if you don’t own them already.  Enjoy your week and I’ll try to do the same, take care.


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