BC Deals with Gold for the Week of October 14th, 2020

So, I powered through the hardcore play through of Redeemer.  After that, I wasn’t too keen on playing it for a third time (even on Easy) to get the last two achievements (both specific to a certain level).  So rather than waste the time playing it again, I just decided heck I’ll try to do both of them on hardcore.  And I did, I got the Level 9 achievement fairly easily once I actually tried.  Now the Level 12 achievement took a little more work but I would say I got it down in about 3 tries.  So it’s done and on to something else.

I did start the 3rd episode of Tell Me Why, I think I’m about half way through but it’s not always easy to tell.  I am also taking a look at my physical disc backlog and decided to start a game called Brothers.  It’s supposed to be fairly easy and I went through the Prologue last night.  I might have a little problem with the dynamics of it but I think I can be successful.  We’ll see.  If I am still stuck in the early part of the game (say I’m still in Chapter 2 or something, then we know we got problems).

Sorry I did not post the sales yesterday, but here they are.

It’s a little bit of a shame that Sniper or some of these others were not made Backwards compatible.  Instead all we are left with is the semi-usual assortment of Far Cry and Sonic.  But we can’t expect too much more as we limp into the end of the year.  I would not be surprised if the 360 sales are abandoned with the new year.  Maybe we’ll get one or two more surprises but I kinda doubt it.  Take care and enjoy.

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