BC Deals with Gold for the Week of November 6th, 2018

Welp, still Batman: AA and Minecraft Story on the ole playing front.  Batman, I just defeated Harley again (about to go to the Gardens) and Minecraft Story I’m nearly done with episode 7.  Episode 7 has been incredibly dull except for the whole Ghost in the Machine bit.  Maybe I’m just worn out after seven episodes, not sure but it’s becoming quite a chore.  But I have too much invested in it to not finish it.  Sadly, I would probably play Season two if it was $5 or something.

Anyway, we have some sales this week though its meager at best.  I mean at this point, who doesn’t have Mass Effect or Dragon Age that actually wants it?  I keep hoping that Final Exam goes BC but it probably won’t happen anytime soon.  I do think we will get a BC announcement today, but I know as soon as I type that, chances are we won’t.  Welp, enjoy your week kiddoes.

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